This is How Perfectionism Affects Parenting

The price of trying to be perfect.

Annie Huang
Family Matters


“Perfectionism is a dangerous state of mind in an imperfect world.” — Robert Hillyer

I started off my motherhood journey to a rocky start.

As a recovering perfectionist and overachiever, I tried to do it all and do it perfectly.

I had no idea the amount of pressure I was putting on myself to be the perfect mother. And, when I inevitably fail – in my own eyes – I would beat myself up mercilessly.

I thought I was a terrible mum.

Losing My Vision of Motherhood

As a result, I struggled inside and I found it hard to enjoy being with my daughter.

Before I had her, I had a vision about the type of mum I wanted to be and the type of family life I wanted to have. But, that vision was getting away from me with every passing day.

This was alarming to me. As a lifelong personal development junkie and a certified life coach, I thought I had it all figured out.

Learning to Be a Mum

But motherhood gave me an opportunity to see that I still had much to learn.



Annie Huang
Family Matters

Recovering perfectionist. Refugee lawyer-turned-life coach.Embarking on her greatest adventure yet as a mum. |