Better espresso than cafe

The Bootstrappers
Homebrew Club by Somethings Brewing
3 min readApr 28, 2022

The best espressos are in homes, not cafes

Espresso is the holy grail of coffee. One ounce of liquid packs the entire flavour notes and aromas of coffee beans. It is the ultimate way to explore coffee. Each brand comes up with the more advanced machines, costing in lakhs ( La Marzzocco’s commercial espresso machines cost INR 10 lakhs and above). Yet, home brewers pull better espressos than more expensive machines.

It is because of 6 key reasons:

  1. Craft trumps machine: If machine could produce better espressos, super automatic machines would produce the best tasting coffees. It’s the craft, which matters. The brewer or the home barista’s love for espresso makes the craft better.
  2. Coffee matters: All things remaining equal, a fresh coffee, with reasonable resting, will produce better espresso, than an expensive machine with bad coffee. Remember the popular coffee chains always stock near stale coffees.
  3. Attention to details matters: Half the battle is over while you are preparing the puck for pulling the shot. Is it levelled? Is the grind finer for the right ratio? Is the water at the right temperature? Is the timer ready with the scale?
  4. God shot: In cafes it’s the race to crank out the maximum espressos, where as in homes, it’s about chasing the ultimate shot of espresso. God shot is that rare espresso, which is just perfect in taste, texture, body and notes. Alas, it happens only a few time. But, homwbrewers chase it all the time.
  5. Right machine: The most expensive machine is not the right machine. It’s the one you have, and you know the most about. An entry level coffee machine such as Budan or Gaggia or Solis can pull better shots than the most advanced machines.
  6. The community: The latest technologies in coffee happened because fellow coffee lovers exchanged notes with each other. Tune into your nearest communities such as CBC or Homebrewers Club or Beanbuffs to meet fellow lovers.

Ready, steady, go:

If you are starting your espresso journey, you just require three things.

  1. An espresso machine:
    - Check out Budan Espresso
    - Check out Solis Perfetta
    - Check out Gaggia Classi Pro
  2. Good espresso grinder
    - Budan Grinder
    - Baratza Grinder
    - Commandante Grinder
  3. Espresso blends:
    - Dope’s Dark Matter
    - Blue Tokai’s Dhak Blend
    - Third Waves French Roast

Learn and train

At our experience centers in Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru coffee professionals help you learn the basics of espresso brewing. You can visit for an informal session or register for the community events.

  1. Experience center:
    - Delhi
    - Bengaluru

2. Espresso training
- Delhi
- Bengaluru

3. Brewing guides
- Milk plus espresso
- Milk and ice

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