Black Bloc in France.

Masked, Armed and on the Streets of Paris.

Homeland Is Not A Series.
Homeland Is Not a Series.
3 min readJun 25, 2016


Photos by Rémy Soubanère | FACEBOOK

Each week, people around the world take streets of their cities to remind their governments that their voices matter. In this series I want to collect the best images from protests around the world.


While the flames of Brexit debate are taking over Britain right now: we are back in France this week. Paris has seen better days. The clashes between police and anti-labour law protesters continue with much stronger violence. When we reported about the first marches in the heart of Paris and across France — the anti-labour law movement looked more a mass demonstration rather than a serious violent movement. Everything has changed since then.

Black bloc — is a tactic for protests and marches where individuals wear black clothing, scarves, sunglasses, ski masks, motorcycle helmets with padding, or other face-concealing and face-protecting items.

1.French police faces a new type of protest movement called black bloc.

Photos by Rémy Soubanère | FACEBOOK

2. There is a difference how police deals with a protester who uses slogans and placards — and a protester who uses black bloc tactics.

Photos by Rémy Soubanère | FACEBOOK

3. Black bloc, in its turn, usually has its tactics of how to deal with police. Their task is to damage police equipment with paint bombs and stones.

Photos by Rémy Soubanère | FACEBOOK

4. However the non-black bloc protesters may suffer from police tactics just because ten out of 100 protesters are members of black bloc.

Photos by Rémy Soubanère | FACEBOOK
Photos by Rémy Soubanère | FACEBOOK
Photos by Rémy Soubanère | FACEBOOK

5. Police in Europe tries to keep a video record of the demonstrators in case if the will break the law. Black bloc members are covering their faces, that’s why police tries to arrest them asap, before they run away.

Photos by Rémy Soubanère | FACEBOOK

6. Hello

Photos by Rémy Soubanère | FACEBOOK
Photos by Rémy Soubanère | FACEBOOK
Photos by Rémy Soubanère | FACEBOOK
Photos by Rémy Soubanère | FACEBOOK
Photos by Rémy Soubanère | FACEBOOK
Photos by Rémy Soubanère | FACEBOOK
Photos by Rémy Soubanère | FACEBOOK



Homeland Is Not A Series.
Homeland Is Not a Series.

Blogging about justice and freedom. Photo documenting protests. Pitch us on Facebook.