SEASON 2: Homeland is not a Series

Homeland Is Not A Series.
Homeland Is Not a Series.
2 min readJul 15, 2017

On March 9th 2017, we went on the streets of Paris to see how thousands of students marched against an injust law that could ruin their future. Since then we did twenty five (!) full length reports from dozens of countries in the world. From Brazilian capital — where we witnessed Brazilians overthrowing their corrupt leader — to the streets of Santiago, London, Taipei and even Moscow, where people marched against the war in Ukraine.

All these reports were made with the help of people like you. People like you were sending their pictures from the streets of their cities, and were telling us and the world what’s happening in their countries. “If we don’t fight and protest — nothing will change”- said a woman from Chile, who wrote a post for us in June last year.

I would like thank every single protester, photographer, or just a witness who shared their amazing shots with Homeland is not a Series. I hope we helped you and your careers as photographers. It was a pleasure to hear one of our fans saying “I applied to a university in Paris and mentioned that my photos were published on Homeland is not a Series and that helped me to get accepted”.

The world and our countries are still full of injustice that we need to fight for. That’s why we decided to launch Season 2 of Homeland is not a Series and you can become a part of this revolution too. If you have joined protests somewhere around the world and you can tell us what’s happening in your country — immediately contact us! Send your pictures and thoughts and each picture that we will use will have your name and your social media account underneath.

Join the revolution.



Homeland Is Not A Series.
Homeland Is Not a Series.

Blogging about justice and freedom. Photo documenting protests. Pitch us on Facebook.