A Picture Tells a Thousand Words: How Photography Shapes National Security

Homeland Security


(Joe Rosenthal — www.nbcnews.com)

Some think that photographs merely record world events, but a more careful consideration reveals that photography has the power to change the world. Pictures can stir emotions, unite a people, or incite anger. We are a visual species, and nothing can convey information as succinctly and powerfully as a photograph. Images like the raising of the flag by U.S. Marines at Iwo Jima demonstrate the incredible willpower and determination of a nation.


Pictures can be used to document the wonders that mankind is capable of designing and building. Structures of massive size and bewildering strength are made real through photography. Pictures show us the reality of constructions that would be difficult to believe if not seen.


Photographs also show us what we can accomplish as a species; the heights we can rise to, and the goals that we can achieve. We are afforded views that as individuals we can never attain, sights that can only be reached through cooperation and collaboration.

(Malcolm Browne — www.naked-web.co.uk)

Sadly, photography also reveals injustices committed between men. Atrocities are brought to light by the skill and bravery of photographers. By publicizing these images, attention can be drawn to correct abuse and wrongdoing.

(Stuart Franklin — proof.nationalgeographic.com)

Photography has captured the clash of civilizations, and allows us all to witness the power that each individual has to shape the world.


Pictures have shown us the face of evil that exists in the world. These images can be terrifying, revealing the depths to which humans can sink. Prejudice and oppression must be stopped wherever they threaten to emerge.

But photography also reminds us of those who have come before us — of those who have worked and sacrificed to protect us. They have allowed us to live safe, free, and happy. And now it is our responsibility — as individuals and as nations — to work tirelessly to protect the innocent and vulnerable, wherever they reside.

These photographs teach us to Never Forget.

(Thomas E. Franklin — blog.onemodelplace.com)

Who will take the next photograph that changes the world?

