Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity: What’s in a Motto

Homeland Humanity
Homeland Security
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2017

What exactly is a motto anyway? According to, a motto is “a sentence, phrase, or word expressing the spirit or purpose of a person, organization, city, and etcetera.” Mottos are typically expressed in writing and stem from long traditions or significant historical events. You might recall some catchy mottos such as Nike’s “Just Do It,” Lion King’s “Hakuna Matata,” Apple’s “Think Different,” or KFC’s “Finger Lickin’ Good.” Did you know in 1956 President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed into law “In God We Trust” as the official motto of the United States?

So why do we have mottos? While mottos are intended to define and differentiate a company or an organization in just a few words, some are easily forgotten and others seem to be etched in our memories for eternity. For many agencies and units charged with national security missions these mottos take on a much deeper and special meaning. The United States Marine Corps motto, “Semper Fidelis,” Latin for “always faithful,” is much more than a motto. For a marine these words are a way of life. “To Protect and Serve” is a widely adopted motto among law enforcement agencies and succinctly expresses what these brave men and women do on a daily basis. The FBI’s motto, “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity,” has a unique history and is at the core of the FBI’s culture.

While the FBI was founded in 1908, it wasn’t coined the “Federal Bureau of Investigation” until 1935. History has it that J. Edgar Hoover didn’t readily accept the name change until he was told “FBI” could also stand for Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity, the same characteristics Hoover wanted in his agents. The FBI’s motto is poignantly represented in a sculpture which sits inside the courtyard at the FBI Headquarters building in Washington D.C. The sculpture depicts a flowing American flag along with three figures and the FBI’s motto “Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity” inscribed on its rectangular base. Bravery is represented by the male figure standing “at the ready” in the middle. Fidelity is the female figure seated on the ground glaring upwards towards Bravery and Integrity is represented by the male figure kneeling and holding his right hand over his heart.

This sculpture and these three words not only represent the core values of the FBI, they define and symbolize the men and women of the FBI. The FBI is full of agents and professional support employees who left much more lucrative and influential jobs in pursuit of a greater cause. With a high moral code, these individuals seek something that fame and money can’t provide — that feeling of fulfillment that comes from revealing the truth and protecting American citizens.

Within the FBI there must remain a faithfulness to duty; a loyalty to discovering the facts without bias and shielded from the influence of politics. The FBI, its agents and the organization, must be brave. Brave not only in the sense of putting one’s life in danger to save the lives of others, but brave in protecting the U.S. Constitution and the rights it bestows all Americans. The FBI must maintain the utmost integrity, not only within its investigative and intelligence missions, but also within its own walls. Honesty and transparency are critical to the FBI maintaining the trust of its federal, state, and local partners, but most importantly to preserving the trust of the citizens it serves.

So what’s in a motto? For the FBI, it’s everything. It represents a culture of selfless sacrifice, a commitment to upholding the American system of government and laws, and the humility that recognizes the responsibility the organization and its people have been entrusted with. In an era of increasing divide between communities and law enforcement, it’s more critical than ever that the FBI ensure adherence to its simply yet powerful motto.



Homeland Humanity
Homeland Security

The stories, personal reflections, and perspectives of those who bind our nation together.