Episode 6: HFDST Special Edition

Homeland Security
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2016

‘Jihadi Cool’: The ‘Gamification’ of Radicalization

In this week’s segment, team HFDST departs from our standard format of bringing you delicious recipes and safety advice, to discuss the growing threat of online radicalization. This emerging threat impacts all of our viewers and we hope to expose you to the methods groups like ISIS are exploiting with impressionable persons to an unprecedented degree.

“Gamification” is being used to radicalize and recruit online

As Fireman Joe describes, the term “Jihadi Cool” was coined by counter-terrorism experts to convey a new form of recruitment used by terrorist groups and sympathizers to attract growing legions of supporters worldwide. ISIS, in contrast to past attempts by terrorist groups — notably al-Qa’ida (AQ) — does not require a high bar to join the cause: AQ has placed barriers to join up for those not ideologically driven, lacking in skills that are valued, or who are simply deemed a security concern; ISIS has no such qualms and allows supporters to maintain aspects of their lifestyle that often does not force them to completely disengage from their social networks to the same degree. They can have their cake and eat it too. This draw can be seen as much as a counter-cultural renunciation of the establishment as actual belief in ISIS’s doctrine of death.

ISIS Propaganda mocked up to imitate the “Grand Theft Auto” franchise

Messaging from ISIS has played a large role in the group’s allure — attracting a broader and more diverse pool of individuals, less ideologically committed but nonetheless willing to commit violent attacks. The U.S. is far from immune to this trend. Over 250 Americans have attempted to travel to Syria to join ISIS or other terrorist groups and supporters of the group are present in all 50 states. The message is tailored to resonate with teenagers — including those who feel isolated and are looking for a sense of belonging. Increasingly, ISIS includes pop culture in its media outreach to enhance the “jihadi cool” phenomenon. This incorporation helps its brand grow among Western culture. The Internet and social media platforms are disseminating narratives that promote and possibly nurture radicalization using enhanced memes. By incorporating celebrities from film, television, music or other aspects of pop culture, our enemies are capable of spreading their message with an incredibly powerful marketing campaign. The resonance of these messages is only amplified through the dynamic social media environment. The Shai Labeouf video, of disputed origin, demonstrates how easy it is to create visually appealing memes for recruitment of impressionable people.

Tailored to Resonate

The United States is just beginning to recognize the power of ISIS’s recruitment strategy. With Memorial Day around the corner — and in honor of our men and women in uniform — we wanted to highlight this growing threat and provide our viewers with some background as it continues to impact our communities. Stay safe. We will be back with a fabulous dessert recipe this week to get you ready and proper for Memorial Day weekend!

