How you’re likely to die

Lifetime odds for Americans:

1 in 5 — Heart disease

1 in 7 —Cancer

1 in 23 — Stroke

1 in 67 — Influenza, i.e. the flu

1 in 112 — Car accident

1 in 922 — Motorcycle accident

1 in 1,418 — Getting burned

1 in 2,232 — Falling in the shower

1 in 3,649 — Choking on your food

1 in 4,974 — Bicycle accident

1 in 6,509 — Getting shot

1 in 12,174 — Electrocuted

1 in 75,852 — Stung by bees

1 in 103,798 — Bitten by a dog

1 in 136,011 — Struck by lightening

1 in 800,000 — Drowning in your bathtub

1 in 2,000,000* — Ebola

1 in 3,700,000 — Bitten by a shark

1 in 10,000,000 — Hit by falling airplane parts

1 in 20,000,000 — Killed by a terrorist

*1 in 2 million is worldwide odds for this year; odds for Americans is virtually zero

