Intro to the Zombie Breakdown

Zombie Breakdown
Homeland Security
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2017

Welcome to the Zombie Breakdown. We are a group of five practitioners from the vast range of the homeland security field, and we slay Homeland Security Zombies.

Homeland security zom·bie


A soulless, undead corpse of a policy, story or myth that threatens our security through the spread of misinformation.

Zombie breakdown manifesto: Despite our political differences, we believe government workers and politicians must evolve and take the constitution into account when developing necessary policy. We believe the news media should be more concerned with being right than first. We believe the public should consider the consequences before being too willing to give up rights in the name of safety, or too quick to criticize. As with any group, we don’t agree on everything — but we all believe in facts. In this blog we hope to take current homeland security events being reported in the news and myth bust — cut through the spin and provide solid, fact-based analysis. But the point is, to get all of us to look at the facts, and not be zombies about homeland security.

So, welcome to:

Zombie Breakdown

Over eight decades of experience securing the homeland, serving a two-fold mission: Informative and provocative blogs to avoid the zombie pitfalls of Homeland Security, without becoming one yourself.

This is the result of five people with different paths through life being thrown together in a graduate program and tasked with creating a blog. So who are we? We are a chief operating officer of a large U.S. county, a sheriff’s deputy and War on Terror veteran, the chief of staff at a state emergency management agency, and two Federal agents, one with 20 years of service in the Marines and a veteran of the first Gulf War, and the 2nd with 16 years of experience who witnessed 9/11 in D.C. his 2nd day out of the academy. For reasons we have all questioned at times, we applied for an 18-month graduate program at the United States Naval Postgraduate School, designed for leaders in the “Homeland Security” field. This program brings us to Monterey, CA seven times in two-week increments over the 18 months, the rest of the time we are tending to our full time jobs, doing distance learning assignments, and struggling to author a thesis.

We want to hear your ideas and suggestions for this publication. What types of stories do you want to hear about? What drives you crazy in the homeland security realm? What homeland security zombie stories do you have? Let us know so we can fact check, myth bust, or just commiserate like you’ll see in our next article on flying the “friendly” skies.

While everyone may be entitled to their own opinion, they aren’t entitled to their own facts. We hope you enjoy.



Zombie Breakdown
Homeland Security

Over eight decades of experience providing Informative and provocative blogs to avoid the zombie pitfalls of Homeland Security, without becoming one yourself!