Mommy’s Preparedness Kit

Homeland Security
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2017
Mommy’s Preparedness Kit

When I think about disasters, I know what is absolutely necessary…wine and chocolate. Really, as a Mom, what disastrous happenings can’t these two supplies solve? Clearly I’ve thought through the various needs I might have…There are white and red wines, there are dark, milk, and white chocolates. Oh…That is what I missed. The blushes. I forgot blush wine. Oh well, I’m prepared for most incidents then. These tools have helped me through many disaster events, and have never broken, or failed to solve the assigned problem. How many other tools are so reliable?

Being a mom is stressful. I would classify most days that end in “y” as terrorism filled. My Outlook “In Box” with its 500+ unread emails is a terrorist. My boss’s assertion that every priority is the top priority is a declaration of war. My desk that is so binder overwhelmed that I can’t tell where the actual surface is anymore, should qualify for FEMA disaster recovery assistance. Then, as if all of these pieces haven’t been traumatic enough, when I get home I need to get dinner made, buy groceries, do laundry, and clean the house AT THE EXACT SAME TIME. This is the final straw. Something must be done! So, I get out the supplies in my emergency kit, and my problems seem to melt away like the truffles I hold so dear.

Requiring FEMA Disaster Assistance to Recover

Yes, I look terrorism in the face everyday. Mommies of America, unite!! That is why this is MY preparedness kit. I will protect these lifeline supplies almost as well as I do my children.


Though these are tools in my coping mechanism toolkit, they are not in my disaster preparedness kit. I do have some great friends who have provided real guidance that will actually help in an emergency:

Are You Prepared to Make Your Child Drink Water? — Great advice on how to keep kids drinking water, before and after a disaster.

Who Says Cat’s Don’t Like Water? — Purrfect feline hydration article. Very helpful to those wanting to maintain healthy felines in the house.

So You’ve Survived… — Have information you need to keep safe? Of course you do! This article describes how to do that and ensure that your documents and digital memories survive. (For me, all my memories are digital because my brain no longer functions to retain information older than 10 minutes it seems…)

Kits Don’t Get Cuter than This — How to entertain your child and get them prepared for the next emergency, including tornadoes. Consider this one a two-fer, you’re welcome!

Food Stash — How you can keep your shelter stocked with food and water without breaking the bank or your sanity. Wonderful advice on what to keep, and why. Super helpful for Moms and Dads.

Each of these stories linked above provides key information on how to make your entire family — two legged or four — more prepared for an actual emergency.



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