Panic and Weed

How THC might be complicating and increasing anxiety and phobias

Homeland Security
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2015


DISCLAIMER: This is no way intended to advocate for the manufacture, importation, distribution or use of marijuana for recreational use. The content here is designed to be used in the context of a scenario planning exercise to generate innovative and creative dialogue.

Anxiety and panic disorders already affect millions of people globally. Attacks are characterized by intense fear which may cause the person to feel extremely nervous, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, nausea and trouble breathing. Some have reported a feeling as though they were going to die. Fortunately most attacks last anywhere between ten to twenty minutes but this can feel like a lifetime if you’re having one. Looking for an illness that discriminates? Anxiety and panic disorders affect women more than men and are frequently diagnosed in people in their 30’ and 40’s but can occur at any age in varying degrees of severity. Genetics is usually the common characteristic shared in people dealing with this disease. However, anxiety and panic disorders also seem to accompany alcoholism and drug addiction. Frequent marijuana users have been known to experience anxiety and panic attacks at higher rates. (For more information see the link:

Tetrahydrocannabinol commonly known as THC the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, is believed to be the culprit. Higher levels of THC in marijuana and marijuana products have been clinically shown to raise anxiety to attack levels. Marijuana targets the central nervous system by slowing messages being relayed between the brain and the body. THC is a very potent drug and it’s interaction with the brain causes feelings of paranoia and panic. Once smoked or eaten, it moves very quickly, in fact within seconds, through the lungs to the brain and can then remain in the body for days, effecting mood, memory, thoughts, judgment and perception. A person’s physical stature, age and other genetic factors combined with the cannabis produce varying affects amongst users. (For more information see the link:

People predisposed to these disorders such as those where anxiety and panic attacks run in the family will fair even worse and frequent marijuana use will only exacerbate their condition.
The marijuana industry still struggles with regulation and disclaimers especially in regards to THC level disclosure and labeling. Although a group of students have come up with an idea for the industry to attempt self-regulation thru the use of a mere App. For more information check out their article: HTTPS://

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