Reclaiming the Lost (part 2)

Ignition Point
Homeland Security
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2017

In this second part on human sex trafficking a series of slides provides the guidance to help identify this violent crime which helps fund gangs and terrorists both domestically, here in the US, and internationally.

Pimps come from all walks of life: men, women, gang members and entrepenuers. They all control their girls through manipulation, violence and fear.

The girl is required to produce a certain quota each day. There are no vacation days.

national human trafficking response center

The victims will lie to you. Most are at the point of seeing no other way to live. Their pimp has made him or her the victim’s only means of survival.

Gangs have caught on to the profitability of prostitution and human trafficking. The sex industry utilizes a reusable product. Drugs run out. A girl is used over and over. The internet and hotels make the sex industry a safer, more profitable business as well.

Prostitution in the past was considered a victim- less crime. The prevalence of sex trafficking and the manipulation, intimidation and injury used to control these victims escalates this industry from victim-less crimes to crimes of violence.

Take a minute to watch people as you travel. Do couples appear like couples at hotels you stay? Is that young girl with her family? A lot of us travel and stay at hotels. Paying attention to clues around us could help rescue a victim of human trafficking.

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Ignition Point
Homeland Security

A collaborative group of homeland security professionals, tackling the emerging challenges of invisible threats to the homeland.