So, you’re a girl and you want to be a cop

Everyday Security
Homeland Security
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2015

You’ve watched episodes of Cops, you’ve seen the thrill of the chase, now you want to be a part of the action. Are you really ready?

10 Reality Checks Before You Take that Oath

  1. Be prepared to work harder than the guys. While most of the guys are there to fulfill their own dreams and goals, there are still many in the profession that feel like women need protecting. There is no hesitation allowed in the face of danger and being the first one in is often needed to prove yourself.
  2. Be prepared to be judged. Are you there to get a husband? Are you a lesbian? Are you trying to prove something? You will be talked about, lied on and judged… and this is by your coworkers.

3. Be thick-skinned. You will be cussed at, called names, hit, kicked, and disrespected. If you are looking for constant accolades and appreciation, look elsewhere. There are those that will respect and appreciate you, but majority of the people you encounter will not.

4. Know what to leave at work. Are you a mom? Are you a wife? Are you single? This is a tough one. There are certain aspects of your job that will need to be left at work for the well-being of your family, but there are parts that your family should be involved in. Being a caretaker can be natural, but learning where the lines of protection should be drawn can be difficult. A single female cop dating has an entire set of rules that will need to be explored.

5. Be physically prepared. Put on a gun belt, kevlar vest and steel toe boots and you have added about 30 pounds and compressed parts that don’t want to be compressed. Now try to run, use your radio to give your location, scale a fence and avoid dogs. This can be challenging for a man, so take the extra steps to be ready.

6. Accept the compliment. Mrs. Officer! Oh yeah, you will be the subject of many fantasies. Just deal with it.

7. Be ready for long hours and shift work. Enough said.

8. Have a strong support system. Over time, your circle of friends and associates will change, know who your friends are and keep them close.

9. Be mentally strong. You will see things and experience things that most people can never even fathom and you will be expected to be resilient. Have an outlet, a way to rid your mind of the evil you have faced and will face again.

10. Be an individual. Make your own career path, work hard and don’t let anyone stop you from aspiring to reach your goals.

