Soccer Moms Kick Ass at Counter Terrorism

Homeland Security
Published in
4 min readFeb 5, 2016

Given a choice, most “Soccer Moms” would probably prefer to be driving a convertible instead of a mini-van, but a Ford Mustang just doesn’t hold as many kids as a Honda Odyssey. So without complaint, loving moms all across the country make habit of sacrificing personal time by hauling their kids around town to soccer practices, softball games, swim meets, gymnastic classes, and dance recitals. Of course, that’s just the half of it — being a mom is a busy, often thankless job. Onward! Drop the kids off at school, get the oil changed, go by the bank, find a birthday gift at the mall, pick up milk, back to school, home to make dinner, and back out again for your child’s soccer practice.

With everything you do, please don’t resent my asking you to add another thing to your list. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. In fact, you could say it’s a matter of national security. Don’t worry! This won’t require any additional effort on your part other than refining your powers of observation.

If you See Something, Say Something, is a “national campaign that raises public awareness of the indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime, as well as the importance of reporting suspicious activity to state and local law enforcement.” If You See Something, Say Something is a catchy phrase but what exactly qualifies as suspicious anyway? The answer to that question is mostly subjective and can be influenced by a number of factors to include; location, context, timing, situation, etc. Oftentimes, recognizing suspicious behavior may simply come down to relying on your gut instinct.

The first step in being able to identify suspicious activity or behavior is to be aware of what normal activities and behaviors look like within your daily life. That’s where you come in, Ms. Soccer Mom. You see, by the nature of your title, you are a regular observer of familiar social settings. You’re already programmed to recognize the strange man standing near the edge of the field who didn’t come with a child. You’re quick to identify the intoxicated woman on the nearby park bench, not far from where your child is playing. As a woman and mother, you have the innate ability to sense danger, especially when it comes to your children. This is what makes you a good mother and the perfect counter terrorism operative.

You’re everywhere; you notice everything, what stands out, and what doesn’t look right. Suspicious behavior doesn’t have to be just about terrorism, there’s an equal or better chance what you witness could be criminal in nature. So what should you do if you do identify something you believe to be suspicious in nature? The following tips were borrowed from a New York State Homeland Security and Emergency Services brochure which offers some important points to keep in mind:


  • WHO did you observe?
  • WHAT did you see? Be specific.
  • WHERE did you see it?
  • WHEN did you see it?
  • WHY is it suspicious?


  • DO NOT take direct action.
  • DO NOT confront the individual.
  • DO NOT reveal your suspicions.
  • DO record as many details as possible.
  • DO notify appropriate authorities as soon as possible.

The appropriate authorities in most cases will be local or state law enforcement. As always, if you require immediate assistance for an emergency, call 9–1–1.

You have the ability and opportunity to help keep your community safe, Ms. Soccer Mom. During the course of your busy days — while driving all over town, keep your eyes open… and if you see something, say something!

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