The 28th Amendment: No 2nd Amendment

Homeland inSecurity
Homeland Security
4 min readJul 27, 2015


The latest mass shootings in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Charleston, South Carolina, have left us all appalled and disgusted at the carnage. Some people want to place the blame for this on 30 round magazines or semi-automatic rifles. We want to blame something…anything that we can control. But, what we really want to ban is violence, murder and insanity. We don’t talk about this however, because deep in our hearts each of knows that violence, murder and insanity are built into the human condition and likely always will be.

There are two kinds of animals in this world: predators and prey. No one watches a leopard chase down a gazelle and denies the gazelle the right to use its hooves and horns to protect itself from the predator. But there are people in our government that would deny that same right of self defense to other human beings. Such people seem to think that the way to stop the leopard is to cut the horns off the gazelle, and that by somehow making it easier for the predator; the predator will simply go away. That is insane. When you make it easier for the predator, you simply get more predators.

Let’s start with the so called “assault weapons” more properly known as semi-automatic rifles. In 2011, total firearm murders came to 8,543 according to FBI. Now, during that time, the total murders committed by rifles, all rifles, not just assault rifles came to 323. That comes to 3% of all firearms murders. Hammers and clubs kill half again as many people as rifles; hands and feet murder twice as many. While knives kill five times as many Americans as all rifles combined. Preventable medical errors kill 98,000 people per year, and medical malpractice kills 12 times as many people as all murders in the U.S. each year. That is more than 300 times more than the number of people killed by all rifles, and yet, no one talks about limits on hammers, knives, doctors, or hospitals. No one does that because of the good we perceive from hammers, knives, doctors, or hospitals far outweigh their perceived harm. Yet, studies show that firearms prevent anywhere from 800,000 to 2 million violent crimes every year. The lowest estimate means that 100 times more violent crimes were prevented with firearms than the total murders committed with firearms.

The 2nd Amendment is here to protect the American people from tyranny. The 2nd Amendment is here to protect the American people from politicians. The 2nd Amendment is here to protect the American people from the United States Government. Some politicians feel that the American people deserve a vote on this issue, so let’s have a vote. Those of you politicians’ who are advocating infringement on the right of the people to keep and bear arms need to go to the American people with the 28th Amendment which would simply read that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution is hereby repealed. That would give the government, for the first time, the legal authority to do what they have been doing and what they are trying to do now in direct violation of their oath of office to defend the entire Constitution of the United States not just the parts they happen to approve of. So go ahead politicians, go to the American people and tell them that ultimate power is no longer vested in the people. Tell them that people can’t be trusted with that power according to you; tell them only the government can have that power now. You go out there and try to convince the people of the 38 states you’re going to need to get that amendment passed, to agree with your opinion of them versus their opinion of you.

12 million unarmed men, women, and children were unable to resist being murder by their own National Socialist government in Germany. Perhaps 50 million unarmed men, women, and children were murdered by their own Union of Soviet Social Republics. 50 million Chinese murdered by their own government under Mao, who also disarmed his people; just as in Cuba, in Vietnam, and the killing fields of Cambodia.

Now you might say that can’t happen here. You might say that we are protected. By what? By the Constitution? That same Constitution that the government is in the process of destroying? No, the American citizens are not protected by their government.

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