Want to be a Federal Agent? This is how you get the job!

Homeland inSecurity
Homeland Security
Published in
4 min readAug 9, 2015

So, what qualities is the federal government looking for in its special agents?

First, they are not looking for James Bond or Jason Bourne, nor are muscle-bound special-ops troops high on their list.

There are over 75 federal agencies that employ criminal investigators, otherwise known as special agents or 1811’s, which is the Office of Personnel Management job code for criminal investigators.

Unfortunately, there is no fool-proof secret formula for getting a job as a federal agent, but this article will provide you a general profile with some inside “tricks”.

Larger federal agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) or Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) tend to diversify their recruiting. In other words, these agencies select applicants from various backgrounds to meet the challenges of their own unique missions.

For example, an FBI recruit class may consist of accountants, lawyers, military officers, police officers, high school teachers, or real estate agents. Conversely, smaller agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may recruit recent college graduates, or someone with a background in environmental science.

So What Are Some Absolutes?

1. Must have a college degree. Although there are certainly degrees that are more desirable, such as accounting and information security, pretty much any Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited university will let you check the box.

2. Must have a clean background. While it is possible to have youthful indiscretions in your past, these incidents must not call into question your integrity or character.

Cow tipping? Probably OK.

Robbing your local convenience store? Certainly not.

3. Must be able to obtain and maintain a security clearance. That means the North Korean you think is the love of your life will stop you from carrying a gun for Uncle Sam. You must avoid anabolic steroids (worse than weed in government’s eyes) and remember, “Crack is whack.”

4. Must be physically fit. You have to be capable of passing a both a federal employment physical and physical fitness test. The standards vary from agency to agency, but you need to start hitting the gym if you aren’t already doing so.

5. Absolute loyalty, and dedication, to serve your country. Pretty self-explanatory.

6. Actually know the history and mission of the agency you aspire to work for. You’re going to be giving up your personal life. You need to know what you’re giving it up for!

What Are Some Tricks to Get Hired?

As noted earlier, there isn’t a secret formula. You can’t simply complete Steps A — Z and find yourself wearing the badge.

However, if you know someone inside the agency, that relationship could be the difference between getting a rejection letter and telling your current employer you are leaving for your dream job.

Work that connection.

So, What is My Background?

I graduated from high school and joined the U.S. Marine Corps. After four years, I was discharged from the Marines and went to work in the Intelligence Community (IC).

A few years later, I determined the IC didn’t have the excitement I was looking for so I became a state trooper. During my time with the state police, I went to college and earned my Bachelor’s degree. I also volunteered for everything that the agency had to offer and accepted every new assignment offered to me. After approximately six years as a state trooper, I applied for a position as a federal agent and was subsequently hired.

If you are interested in what a federal agent actually does all day (hint…involves a lot of reading and writing), look for our next article on “A day in the life of a Federal Agent On the Job.”

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