What “Game of Thrones” Can Teach Us About DHS

PopLand Security
Homeland Security
Published in
5 min readMay 9, 2016


The Department of Homeland Security is more than a decade old, but the average American would be hard pressed to outline all of the agencies that fall under the DHS umbrella. Let’s be honest, most people might not be able to name any of the agencies in this sprawling department. So in the interest of public service here is the Game of Thrones guide to DHS.

The Kingsguard AKA The United State Secret Service

In R.R. Martin’s world the Kingsguard is a small and elite group of warriors who serve as the royal bodyguard for the Iron Throne. Each of these warriors have pledged their lives and sacred honor to the safety and security of the King and his family. This description is a dead ringer for the difficult duties performed by the Secret Service. And while both groups are meant to be exemplars of righteous behavior, at least a few members of each group seems to have a penchant for hookers.

The Gold Cloaks AKA U.S. Customs and Border Protection

The City Watch of King’s Landing, also known as the Gold Cloaks, are the Westeros equivalent of law enforcement. Although they can be pressed into military service, on the occasion where they served as soldiers (the Battle of the Blackwater) they basically panicked and ran when the tide turned against them. In some ways the duties of the Gold Cloaks parallel those of the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP). CBP is the largest law enforcement agency in the US, and like the Gold Cloaks the CBP has high standards of training. The CBP also has the responsibly of securing our nation’s borders, in a manner analogous to the way that the Gold Cloaks secure the entrances to King’s Landing. In addition to having similar duties, both agencies have struggled with corruption issues.

House Tyrell AKA the Federal Emergency Management Agency

Even casual watchers of Game of Thrones knows that the Tyrell family is able to draw on near limitless funds and personnel — a trait they share with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). FEMA has the ability to coordinate the efforts of multiple federal entities and wields enormous influence by providing state and local agencies with emergency management and homeland security grants.

House Frey AKA the Transportation Security Agency

The Transportation Security Administration is the component of DHS that just about every American has had up close and personal experience with. They play a critical role in ensuring the safe transport of goods, and their blue uniforms greet all travelers seeking to board a commercial flight. While the TSA lacks the mercenary cunning of House Frey, they share a virtual stranglehold on rapid travel and public polls suggest they are equally loathed.

Black Watch AKA National Protection and Programs Directorate

The Watchers on the Wall have spent the better part of 6,000 years protecting Westeros from all the evils North of the Wall, and while the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) is about 5,990 years younger it shares a similar mission. The NPPD protects critical infrastructure, conducts cyber security and communication security — and like the Brothers in Black it faces overwhelming odds. To protect all those key resources, the directorate fields a little under 3,000 staff.

Master of Whisperers AKA Office of Intelligence and Analysis

In Westeros the Spider wields an enormous amount of power due to his “little birds” ability to gather information. Varys influence is so great that despite being both a foreigner and a eunech, he retained a seat on the King’s small council across multiple ascendants to the throne. The DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis Mission (I&A) is charged with understanding threats through intelligence analysis and collection — a duty roughly analogous to the Spider’s duty. The I&A also shares another trait with Varyes… most people have no clue what they do on a day to day basis.

House Greyjoy AKA The Coast Guard

The Ironborn are grim reavers who are the utter masters of the seas, a trait they share with the Coast Guard. Well, minus the “grim” and “reaving” part. The Coast Guard shares an incredible affinity and capability in treacherous coastal waters, which they combine with the naval ferocity exhibited by the Iron Fleet.

So there you have it, the Westeros guide to DHS. Sure it has less bloodshed… but there is no shortage of political intrigue.

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