Where is the Love?

Homeland Security
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2016

The graffiti in this image and the sentiment behind it is a yet another example of the increasing divisiveness that is tearing our society apart. Much like the counterproductive polarization that has rendered our political system dysfunctional, the attitude advanced here will do nothing but drive individuals to hatred and continue to shred our communities to pieces.

Police officers are people too. Most of them joined their profession to try to help others and protect the defenseless in our society. Yes, there have been a number of shocking examples of unnecessary police violence in recent months. Some of these killings have been downright sickening, with no discernible reason that could possibly explain an outcome that leaves an innocent civilian dead. Some of these killings, however, appear to me to be the product of inadequate training or impossible situations, of police officers thrust into hostile environments where they fear for their lives and are forced to make split-second decisions to try to go home to their families when their shift ends. This doesn’t make the shooting of civilians in these instances acceptable by any means, but this acknowledgment could at least provide a common ground upon which law enforcement and the public can begin the conversation that is necessary in order to stop the cycle of violence and work towards what should be the shared goal of peace and safety.

I believe in peace. I believe in saving the world. Retreating to our in-groups and demonizing those who are not like us will solve nothing. Rather, this approach will merely perpetuate the cycle of misunderstanding, hatred, and violence.

I want to live in a world where no one shoots anyone else. How do we get there?

I believe that the world is what we make of it. I believe that violence will only end when the power of the people is used for unity, rather than for discord. We need members from all communities to join together and start a shared conversation about the societal factors that must be changed so we can create the peaceful future that we all want our children to inhabit.

I believe in the power of the people to achieve peace. Be brave. Embrace peace. Address inequality. Love all of your neighbors.

#LoveEveryone #LoveIsAllYouNeed

