Which Homemade Foods are Best for Weight Loss ?

halima Daalousse
Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2023

In a world filled with fast food and convenience, it’s easy to lose sight of the benefits of homemade cooking. Yet, when it comes to weight loss and overall well-being, preparing your meals at home can be a game-changer. Homemade foods offer not only the joy of cooking but also the ability to control ingredients, portion sizes, and cooking methods. In this article, we will delve into the realm of homemade foods that are best for weight loss, empowering you to take charge of your health and transform your approach with food.

1. Wholesome Breakfast Options:

The saying “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” holds true, especially when it comes to weight loss. By starting your day with nutritious homemade options, you can set a positive tone for the hours ahead. Consider these delicious choices:

a) Greek Yogurt with Berries and Nuts : Protein-packed Greek yogurt paired with antioxidant-rich berries and a sprinkle of nuts provides a satisfying and energy-boosting breakfast.

b) Whole Grain Avocado Toast : Whole-grain bread topped with creamy avocado and a poached egg offers a balanced combination of healthy fats, fiber, and protein.

2. Satisfying Soups and Salads:

Soups and salads are versatile dishes that can be tailored to fit your taste and weight loss goals. They are ideal for keeping hunger at bay and controlling calorie intake. Try these homemade options:

a) Minestrone Soup : A hearty vegetable-based soup with beans and whole grains, providing a wealth of nutrients and keeping you full for hours.

b) Spinach and Strawberry Salad : A refreshing mix of baby spinach, sweet strawberries, feta cheese, and a light vinaigrette that tantalizes the taste buds without compromising on nutrition.

3. Nutrient-dense Main Courses:

Homemade main courses allow you to experiment with healthy ingredients and cooking techniques. Consider incorporating these weight-loss-friendly options:

a) Grilled Chicken with Steamed Vegetables : Lean chicken marinated in herbs and spices, paired with a colorful array of steamed vegetables, makes for a satisfying and low-calorie meal.

b) Veggie Stir-Fry with Tofu : A medley of vibrant vegetables and protein-rich tofu stir-fried in a savory sauce, providing a wholesome, plant-based option.

4. Flavorful Snacks:

Snacking doesn’t have to sabotage your weight loss efforts. Embrace these homemade snacks to keep your energy levels steady and your cravings in check:

a) Homemade Trail Mix : Create a mix of raw nuts, seeds, and dried fruits for a nutrient-dense and portable snack.

b) Baked Sweet Potato Chips : Slice sweet potatoes thinly, lightly coat with olive oil, and bake until crispy for a delightful and healthier alternative to store-bought chips.

5. Mindful Desserts:

Indulging in desserts can still be part of a weight loss journey when done mindfully. Savor these homemade treats:

a) Chia Seed Pudding : A simple blend of chia seeds, almond milk, and a touch of sweetness, soaked overnight for a delectable and guilt-free dessert.

b) Baked Apples with Cinnamon : Core apples, sprinkle with cinnamon, and bake until tender for a naturally sweet and satisfying treat.

Incorporating homemade foods into your weight loss journey is a powerful and enjoyable way to take control of your health.

Remember, small changes in your eating habits can yield significant results.

With the Homemady app , you can achieve your weight loss goals by receiving a variety of home-cooked dishes delivered to your doorstep.

