Peak Season Prep: Staying Ahead of the Storm

Homer Logistics
Homer Logistics
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2018

Every industry has its peak season. It may be a few weeks or a months-long period which more or less throws the company and its employees into an extended frenzy as they try frantically to keep up with increased orders, spiking demand, and constant customer issues. During these periods, it can be easy to let any new ideas or projects that do not directly involve keeping your company’s head above water come to a screeching halt. It happens to the best of us.

For many industries, this time period is the upcoming holiday season. So while some of us might be upset by those people thirstily ordering up pumpkin spice lattes in late August, others are rushing to fully prepare themselves for the looming onslaught of overeager patrons. Even in the shadow of their busiest season, many of our most efficient customers find ways to continue plugging away at the last initiatives they were looking to finish before year’s end, seemingly undaunted by the impending madness. Proceeding methodically, they are able to tie neat bows on many of their end-of-year initiatives.

We have pulled together a list of basic things that any company can do to better prepare for peak season. Now, of course, not all companies will be capable of staving off their employees’ dread and anxiety in time to check off the last items on their 2018 to-do list before things get wild, but we feel strongly that any business, by following these suggestions, can start off 2019 on a better footing. Heck, even if jumpstarting your same day/last mile delivery is not on this year’s list, the following still applies.

Here’s how to stay ahead of the storm:

  1. Stop dragging your feet! By putting off projects that can increase efficiency, you can lose the attention of your colleagues. Double check existing budget surpluses. Do you have the money to launch now?
  2. You can’t drive anywhere without gas. Check the IT team’s bandwidth.
  3. What’s slowing you down? Analyze your supply chain — are the wheels currently moving smoothly?
  4. Don’t panic. There is plenty of time to prepare and finish needed pre-work or resolve issues.
  5. Get on the same page. Make sure the entire team is together on any new priorities
  6. Get inspired. Use this time to make an impact where you can and motivate those around you.

Good luck and we’d love to hear how you do with these!

