Erik Spangenberg
Homeroom Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2021

The reality is that if you’re starting a company, you probably have a handful of powerful reasons to exist. But this makes distilling things down all the more important. For your users, team, investors. We’re excited to announce that we took a humbling crack at our foundational beliefs for Homeroom.

Feeling: 👁 focused.

Companies have long had their hands on the wheel of employee learning. Think managers and executives deciding what online courses their employees are going to take in a given quarter.

In a world where job roles and industries were clearly defined and long company tenures were the norm, this was mostly a good deal for workers. But those days are over.

We believe that workers need a new kind of professional learning. One that …

Addresses long-term opportunity within multiple job markets instead of one company

41% of people think that AI automation will be able to do their job within 5 years. Unfortunately, a lot of companies won’t be incentivized to repurpose their employees. Workers deserve impartial help in figuring out which skills to learn today so they are strategically positioned for tomorrow.

Is simple and doable

Half of workers report that they don’t have any time for extra learning during the work day. We dug deeper, and learned that many of them do have time — just not in large chunks. This group needs high quality learning that can be done in minutes instead of hours.

Democratizes access to the best jobs

Today, certain groups of people are directly and indirectly excluded from the best jobs because of systemic social issues in our society. High level opportunities and their blueprints should not be proprietary knowledge. Privileged social connections should not only be a tool for the systematically privileged. The internet is here. It’s 2021. And the walls must fall.



Erik Spangenberg
Homeroom Blog

He/him | Founder @ Homeroom, husband @clairelyse, walker of Cash the 🐶