Education Cancel Culture is Here

“Parents Rights” activists threaten legal action against Chesterfield County School Board members.

4 min readFeb 23, 2022


by Sarah Johnson-Ward

This past month, a group of citizens calling themselves, “lions and lionesses” and the “Army of Parents” wearing “007 Parent” t-shirts attended the February 8, 2022 School Board meeting in Chesterfield, VA. Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s mask optional policy was up for discussion. As teachers and parents approached the speaker’s podium most showed poise and calm. These parents were concerned about student mask requirements due to the high numbers of community transmission and care for those most vulnerable. The contrast with the “Army of Parents” could not have been more stark. As the pro-mask parents spoke, the anti-masking parents shouted over their comments, they spread misinformation about COVID during public comment, and one of the 007 parents was asked to step away from the podium as his voice became louder and louder.

Screen captures from Twitter user @ternary_logic.

These parents came to collect. They were angry and they wanted money. They cited legal code sections and the Geneva Convention. They all stated they were there to file a claim against the Superintendent’s surety bonds and the School Board’s insurance to the tune of two million dollars, and they were giving the Superintendent 72 hours to respond. I am still puzzled by how the School Board members kept a straight face while this scene played out. Jake Burns, a reporter for Channel 6 news, investigated the validity of these claims only to discover this group was following a Qanon confidence scheme. Ironically, these claims were filed because they were upset about masks even though the Board had changed their policy to be mask optional. It felt like being in a movie set of pure nonsense. Chesterfield County is self-insured so they were also collecting against themselves.

What struck me about all of it was the clear attempt at intimidation. Intimidation of the existing School Board members and the citizens and teachers attending the meeting — even a reporter was caught in their crosshairs. These same parents are rude on social media and they do not support anyone’s right to free speech or choice beyond their own. It’s clearly a one-way street they are traveling. There is no civil discourse or attempt to resolve concerns. The latest issues they are condemning are CRT (Critical Race Theory), “CRT-related” books and SEL (Social Emotional Learning) which they conflate with CRT. They are following an astroturfed national playbook. We see these disruptive parents at School Board meetings in Loudoun, Frederick, and Fairfax, VA too. The “Army of Parents” actually has a Facebook group and reportedly several high-profile politicians or politicians’ family members are members of the group.

The mass manipulation via social media is doing real damage to our schools and the January 6th “Stop the Steal” folks are taking their Insurrection to our schoolhouses. I encourage citizens to volunteer at their local school. Get to know the school staff. Don’t allow this new cancel culture of bullies destroy our most democratic of institutions — public schools.

Learn More about Dark Money groups funding mobilizations to School Boards:

How Virginia school boards are being weaponized to help elect a GOP governor

Dark Money Is Driving Today’s “Concerned Moms” Attacking Anti-Racism in Schools

School Board Disruptions Escalate, Funded By Conservative Dark Money

Many “Parent” Groups Opposing Masks and CRT Are Actually Driven by Dark Money

Secretive ‘Dark Money’ Network Launches Anti-Critical Race Theory Campaign

Sara Johnson-Ward has been advocating for public schools for over a decade. She is a founding member of Virginia Public Education Partners, Friends of Chesterfield Public Schools, and formerly served as the Education and Legislation Chair for the Chesterfield County Council of PTA’s.




Homeroom is a project of Richmond For All’s Public Education Campaign Committee.