HMR Tutorial #1 : How to make a Metamask wallet

Homeros Official
Published in
6 min readFeb 4, 2022

What is MetaMask?

MetaMask is a cryptocurrency wallet and a gateway to blockchain applications. It is available as a browser extension on Chrome.

It allows you to connect to blockchain applications. With MetaMask, you can interact with applications like Pancakeswap. On the other hand, if you’re looking to swap BNB for a token, you need to connect your MetaMask wallet to Pancakeswap. As such, you can swap BUSD for HMR at Pancakeswap by connecting to Metamask which this would be explained in the next series of tutorial guides. In this guide, you’ll learn how to make a MetaMask wallet so that you can interact with blockchain applications.

How to make a MetaMask wallet

To make a MetaMask wallet, you need to add the MetaMask extension to Chrome.

The Internet browser MUST be Chrome, we have tried other alternate browsers like Microsoft Edge but Chrome provides the optimal experience so we strongly inform you should use Chrome.

Once installing, you’ll be able to create a wallet by following the on-screen instructions.

The wallet creation process contains 3 steps.
①Creating a password,
②Saving your backup phrase, and
③Confirming your backup phrase.

Storing your backup phrase is the most important step.

This is because you need it to import your MetaMask wallet.
It’s important that you store your backup phrase in a safe place.
Anyone with your backup phrase will be able to steal your crypto assets.
After you’ve stored your backup phrase, you need to verify it to create your wallet.

Here is how to make a MetaMask wallet:

  1. Add MetaMask to Chrome
  2. Click on the MetaMask extension
  3. Click on “Get Started”
  4. Select “Create a Wallet”
  5. Click on “Agree”
  6. Create a password
  7. Store your backup phrase
  8. Confirm your backup phrase
  9. Start using MetaMask

1. Add MetaMask to Chrome

In Chrome,

1)Click link to Metamask :

2)Click on “Add to Chrome” to add the Metamask extension to Chrome.

2. Click on the MetaMask extension

To open Metamask,1)Go to top navigation bar of Chrome, you’ll see a puzzle icon.
2)Click “puzzle icon” to open Chrome extensions.
3)Click “MetaMask” to open the MetaMask extension.
*In addition, you can pin MetaMask to your toolbar by clicking on the pin icon.

3. Click on “Get Started”

Click on “Get Started” to begin creating your MetaMask wallet.

4. Select “Create a Wallet”

Click “Create a wallet” to create a new wallet

5. Click on “Agree”

On this page, MetaMask states that they need to gather your usage data.
This is to better understand how their users interact with the extension.
To create a MetaMask wallet, you need to agree to the terms.
MetaMask will never collect your IP address or sell your data.

Click on “I Agree” to agree to their terms.

6. Create a password

On the page, you need to create a password for your MetaMask wallet.
Firstly, create a password and enter it in the “New password” field.
Keep in mind that your password needs to contain a minimum of 8 characters.
Next, re-enter your password in the “Confirm password” field.
Then, your need to read and agree to the Terms of Use.
Lastly, click on “Create” to create a password.

7. Store your backup phrase

Your secret backup phrase allows you to import your MetaMask wallet.
Firstly, click on the lock icon to reveal the secret words. Then, copy your backup phrase and store it in a safe place.Do not disclose your backup phrase as others will be able to steal your crypto assets. Once you’ve stored your backup phrase in a safe place, click on “Next” to proceed to the next step.

8. Confirm your backup phrase

After you’ve clicked on “Next”, you’ll land on the “Confirm your Secret Backup Phrase” page. Now that you’ve stored your backup phrase in a safe place, you need to confirm it. On the page, you’ll see words from your recovery phrase in a jumbled order. To confirm your backup phrase, you need to select each word in the correct order. For example, if the first 3 words of your backup phrase are “apple”, “banana”, “pear”.

Click on “apple”, “banana”, and “pear” respectively.

Once you’ve selected each word in the correct order, click on “Confirm’ to confirm your backup phrase.

9. Start using MetaMask

After you’ve confirmed your recovery phrase, you’ll land on the congratulations page. This means that you’ve successfully made a MetaMask wallet! Click on “All Done” to complete the wallet creation process.

Now, you’ll be able to send BUSD to your MetaMask wallet. To do so, you need to copy your BUSD address from your MetaMask wallet. If your BUSD is stored in a cryptocurrency exchange like Binance, you need to navigate to the withdrawal page on it. Next, paste your BUSD address in the address field, enter the amount of BUSD that you want to send, and send it.

10. Make sure you have BNB in your wallet

The above are BNB listed exchanges and pairs

In the Binance Smart Chain, you need to have a small amount of BNB inside your Metamask wallet. Like gas in the Etherium Network, you need to BNB as a processing fee of your transactions. It is advisable you have at least 0.1 BNB in balance to ensure your transactions would go well. You need to purchase 0.1BNB and above. Then, send the BNB from the wallet address in the exchange to your newly created metamask wallet. It will be complete soon.


Now that you’ve created a MetaMask wallet, you need to make sure to keep your backup phrase safe.

1)You should never share your backup phrase with anyone.
If someone knows your backup phrase, they’ll be able to access your wallet and steal your crypto assets.

2)You should store your backup phrase in multiple places.
This will prevent you from losing it. If you lose your backup phrase, MetaMask will not be able to recover it for you.



Homeros Official

Homeros acts as the catalyst for a dapp revolution. The platform empowers brilliant minds to develop the best apps that will bring new technology to the masses.