Our Story and Our Passion

Tonia Edwards
Homes Alive Magazine
2 min readNov 23, 2016

About 50 Social Workers make up the consortium of Homes Alive Magazine. Homes Alive existed since year 2010, handling Customised Newsletters and Magazines for individuals and corporate bodies.
As part of her Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and to support the Programme: “Train a Child, Make Home Alive”, Homes Alive hopes to generate income from the magazine to sponsor 1,000 orphan children in the public primary and secondary schools in FCT and other parts of Nigeria from September 2016. It will interest you to know that 46 of such children are already benefiting from the programme in the 2015/16 academic session.
It is obvious that when homes are alive, everything around also comes alive; hence our vision… “Dependable Pillar for re-building the World through the ‘Homes’. The world today is plagued with many social issues such as youth violence, child abuse, kidnapping, terrorism, unemployment, etc. The root cause of most social problems stem from the home front and every individual that controls any entity, office and position today is a product of a particular family. The type of family an individual grows in determines his successes and failures. It is established also, that children who grow up in a happy home have a better chance of being more successful in life than those who grow up in troubled families.
Homes Alive Magazine intends to use the ‘Pen Power’ to strategically manage marital and relationship crises through a monthly production of the Magazine, Regular Marriage Counseling, Seminars/Conferences and Workshops on Healthy Marital Living, Pre-marriage Engagement Courses and Courtship — defining the place of in-laws in the family early enough before marriage, placing less emphasis on children, educating couples on Sexual Satisfaction and Conducting Searchlight on and publishing stories of Successful Marriages of 25years and above as proof that marriage can be beautiful and the home alive. it is believed that creating awareness on these issues will maximally curb the rate of negative occurrences in homes and reduce divorce rate in the society.
H-alive Magazine contains 108 pages (cover inclusive) of about 70 paged, rich and powerfully arranged series of articles; a collection of inspired and instructive articles written by a Consortium of committed, honest and passionate Career Ambassadors of ‘Real-Life’



Tonia Edwards
Homes Alive Magazine

She is a Graduate of Accountancy and Masters Degree Holder in Business Management, with practical hands-on experience in Early Childhood Education.