Five Ways To Get High This Summer

It’s high time you check out our awesome list.

Matthew Farrell
Hommily Blog
4 min readJul 18, 2016


Photo Credit: Presidia Creative

Sunshine in Los Angeles is as reliable as getting cut-off on the 405 freeway during rush hour- or any time of day, for that matter, because the 405 is the worst!- and so outdoor activities are a crucial part of LA life. With the recent temporary closure of Runyon Canyon, we’ve heard your Instagram accounts crying out over the lack of fitness hashtags and shirtless hiking selfies. As your tans faded and your abs relaxed, we here at Hommily were working tirelessly to find alternate ways to get you high in Los Angeles, all while capitalizing on those blue skies. Regardless of the kind of high you’re looking for, we’ve got you covered. And we promise: they will be sure to net you more ‘likes’ and ‘yasss’ comments than your social media-obsessed hearts can imagine.

Type Of High: Sky High

Flying Over The West Side

Let’s take this idea of getting high to the literal sense: sky high, in a plane above the Santa Monica coastline. The Santa Monica Pier is a wonderful sight to see, without a doubt. However, it also tends to be a major tourist destination. One way to avoid packs of foreigners and their selfie sticks is to get above it all. This twenty minute flight will show you many of the west side sights in one trip. From the Getty Museum to Downtown to the world famous pier, you can cover more ground and see these landmarks from a unique perspective few will be able to claim- and without ever having to merge onto a freeway.

Type Of High: Fitness High

Photo Credit: TSNY

Trapeze School

Whether you’re looking for some inspiration, a new workout, or just want to wait out the traffic for a few hours before heading all way back to the east side, trapeze training could offer a unique addition to your weekly routine. Whether it’s a one time thing or a ten week course you’re looking for, this Santa Monica trapeze school offers you both. High above the Santa Monica Pier, you’ll find yourself using muscles you never knew you had. Flying, flipping and even transfers from one bar to another will be taught to you be certified instructors. By yourself or with a group of friends, this idea can combine your work(out) and play into a memorable swing over the Pacific Ocean- and a fitness high you won’t find in zumba.

Type Of High: Runners High

Parkour Class

Looking for a runners high but hate running? How about jumping? Or even vaulting? Parkour is an activity that forces you to see your environment in an entirely new way. Adapted from military style training, Parkour is a discipline which requires moving from one place to the next without the assistance of any equipment. You’ll find yourself vaulting over obstacles, running up walls, and jumping and landing on narrow objects. Sure, running is involved, but this isn’t a treadmill at your local Bally’s. Parkour Class will allow you to push yourself to your limits in a safe environment surrounded by certified Parkour coaches.

Type Of High: Adrenaline High

Photo Credit: The Trial Hobbyist


If skydiving is too extreme but you’re still looking for an adrenaline high, this may be the perfect middle ground. As one of the safest and easiest water sports, parasailing provides spectacular coastal views from Marina Del Rey down to the Santa Monica Pier. While secured in a canopy wing, you’ll be towed behind a boat along the coast at up to 500 feet above the pristine Pacific surface. The coastal sights are breathtaking, and you also have the option to skim the water if your feet so desire. Beats pressing down on the brake pedal.

Type Of High: Meditative High

Photo Credit: Floatation Locations

Float Lab

Okay, so whereas this isn’t getting you high in the sense of altitude, we’ve included this unique experience because of it’s ability to make you feel like you are floating, leading to a meditative high. The sensory deprivation tank allows the body to be free of constant stimuli by floating in a purified solution of Epsom salt, removed of any light or sound. These uncharacteristic elements can help lead to an even deeper inner calm than yoga or traditional meditation can offer. Float lab is the ultimate relaxation after a long day at work- or a long sit on Santa Monica Boulevard.

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