Going To The Beach Without Hitting The Sand: A Sunday In Venice

No beach towel or umbrella required.

Matthew Farrell
Hommily Blog
4 min readJun 29, 2016


Photo Credit: Discover Los Angeles

Ask your friends about their plans this weekend in Los Angeles, and you’ll find a lot of generic ‘going to the beach’ answers. Which sounds great- we love the beach. But we can also love the beach any given day of the week here in Southern California. So when it comes to a weekend, we prefer to keep our toes out of the sand and observe the masses from a comfortable distance. From bottomless drinks and a muscle show to Instagramable Venice art and breathtaking scenery, we’ve got your answer to what to do in Venice this weekend. None of which will result in sand in your ears two days later.

Komodo Bottomless Sangria Brunch

Photo Credit: Food And Travel Fun

You’ve heard that a glass of wine a day is good for your heart, right? Wine has antioxidants, sangria includes fruit and juice, and you need no further poor justification in order to indulge in Komodo Venice’s bottomless sangria. Kick off your day with this delicious beverage, which is inspired by a 30-year-old family recipe from Genova, Italy. We’re inspired to give it a try, along with some of their Kimchi Tacos and Brutus Salad. No sunscreen required.

Venice Canals

Photo Credit: Jake Rajs

It’s time to walk off your brunch haze while everyone else struggles for square footage to lay down their beach towels. Stroll a few blocks off the beaten sand and take in the breathtaking man-made Venice Canals. Built in 1905, and restored in 1992, they were intended to recreate the appearance and feel of Venice, Italy in Southern California. You may not exactly feel like you’re in Italy, but you’ll certainly feel less claustrophobic than you would a few blocks to your west.

Binoculars Building

Photo Credit: John Maclean

You’ve probably seen the Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown Los Angeles, but were you aware that Frank Gehry also designed the Binoculars Building located on Main Street in Venice? This structure acts as an entrance for both pedestrians and vehicles to what is now Google’s Los Angeles office. Across the street you’ll find the Venice Ballerina Clown, which is exactly what your Instagram’s heart desires. Crazy clowns and binocular buildings are the new beaches.

Muscle Beach

Photo Credit: Traveling Canucks

Hopefully you’ve taken in enough scenery, as it’s time for some sights of a different nature at Muscle Beach. Okay, so this is technically on the beach, but you can still check out these body-building masters without getting that grimy sand-and-salt-water feeling. The birthplace of the U.S. physical fitness boom, Muscle Beach counts our very own Governator, Arnold Schwartzenegger, as one of its past regulars. It’s free to observe the athletes, and if you’re feeling bold, it’s only $10 for a day pass! Go big or go home, bro. Or maybe just observe and then go home.

Venice Street Murals

Photo Credit: Pinterest

It’s time to wind down your day with the ultimate Venice treat: street murals. While everyone else is soothing their sunburn with some greasy aloe, take a stroll down the Venice boardwalk and bask in what makes Venice so distinct and beautiful: the art. Just walk, gaze, and absorb the culture. No thinking required. However, you may want to start brainstorming an excuse to call out of work tomorrow so that you can enjoy the peaceful, empty beach to celebrate a Monday in Venice.

If your mouth is still watering over that sangria, check out Komodo Venice, and for some more local sand-less events, check out Hommily.com

