Homwere introduces H-Store

Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2022

We are finally ready to announce our first look out of out H-Store. We have fully explained how the H-Store will work in the above video.

The H-Store is the first of it`s kind, it will be a place on mobile, web and all all cross platforms (Linux, MACOS, Windows) where everyone can download their favorite dApps from DeFi.

For the first time ever, a place where you can download PancakeSwap, Uniswap, Rigel Protocol Gift, QuickSwap, GameFi such as Mines of Dalarnia, Farmers World, Splinter Lands and so much more on any device.

No more using a dApp browser as in Metamask and Trustwallet on mobile. You can simply download and use out wallet connector on the store and it work seamless. It`s truly amazing.

In other to complete this project to its high potential, some funds are needed and thus a fund raising is being carried out in Phases.

Here are some screenshots that shows a process will work:

  1. This two screenshots below simply shows our homepage and a dApp page

2. These two screenshots below shoes when the install button is clicked and a dApp begins to download; and when a dApp is finally downloaded and its time to open the dApp.

More Updates on the H-Store will be provided as time proceeds.

Please do we to research more on this project and message us or any issues, doubts or complain. We are forever available to attend to your request.

how can i participate in pre sale?

If you wish to participate in our ongoing presale, visit presale.homwere.com, connect to Metamask or Trustwallet and begin now!

If you wish to talk to the Project Manager before Investing, he is always available for a call, you can also contact him on telegram at @Tom_amha_0 or send us an official email at official@homwere.com. We are always available for response.

Thanks! Homwere Team.

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