How Big Of An Asshole Do You Have To Be?

Alden Tan
Honest And Real Stories
3 min readAug 8, 2018


I’ve been watching this TV series on Netflix called Animal Kingdom. And it has inspired me to ask people how big of an asshole do they want to be, have to be or have already become.

The show is about a kid whose mom dies of a drug overdose. He is then taken in by his grandma to live with her and his uncles.

Turns out, the entire family knows the in and outs of the criminal world as they consistently pull off heists.

The show to me is brilliant as we explore a bunch of polarizing characters in a world of debauchery.

Everyone is messed up in their own way. This is fun for TV of course. The drama is easy to appeal to.

But that’s too easy.

Know what’s not easy to discern? Check this out:

In a scene, two of the brothers were staking out an area before the heist. The two of them are the biggest douchebags ever.

Near where they were was a food cart selling sandwiches.

One of the brothers comments, “Man, what kind of asshole pays $18 for a sandwich?”

I love that line so much.

Not only is it funny, but it alludes to the deep sense of denial a lot of people have, that we’re unknowingly walking the path to becoming an asshole.

We all know the asshole to be a bully, an obnoxious person or a toxic friendwho’s out to drag you down in life.

But what of the subtle signs of being an asshole or moving towards being one?

Are you smart enough to realize you’re on this hidden path?

How big of an asshole have you already become?

Let me just lay it out:

  • You don’t need a sandwich that costs $18 when there’s cheaper food everywhere or the fact that there’re people dying from starvation in the world.
  • You don’t need expensive coffee from Starbucks when there’s cheaper, healthier coffee from other places.
  • You don’t need an ultra-expensive bag or outfit just to look good.
  • You don’t need to travel first-class when economy works just as well.
  • You don’t need to take a cab when you can walk.
  • You don’t need to spend an insane amount just to impress her on a datewhen you should impress with who you are through conversations.
  • You don’t need to show off with expensive shit you buy when you can show off with experiences you create freely on your own.

And so on.

Perhaps you think that I am being a little harsh here.

What’s wrong with making money to buy nice shit?


But something is wrong when you let your character, principles and values be dictated by the price of something.

Because if you do, you’re on your way to becoming an asshole. Period. Many people do this and don’t realize it.

So the question is: How big of an asshole do you have to be to lose yourself and forget where you come from?

I don’t care how driven you are or how ambitious you are with your goals.

The fact is, we all come from the same place: Your mother’s womb.

You came out to this world not knowing shit and not needing a lot of shit besides some milk and tender loving care from your mom.

And the other fact is, you can be happy without the expensive shit.

You can.

You totally can.

You just have to try.

In doing so, you’re going to grow as a real person as you look inwards to learn more about yourself. Assholes don’t look in the mirror because they’re too scared to face their own insecurities.

And when you’re happy without the expensive shit, you’ll be innately a better person which people can see.

So if you’re willing, look in the mirror. Then look around you.

What really makes you happy?

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