Do You Know What Your Audience Really Wants?

Shallow content doesn’t work that well anymore

Nick Chai
Honest Creative


Photo by Skullector R on Unsplash

Welcome to the age of content

With over 3.5 billion searches on Google every day, we’ve officially entered the age of content. The time where users are looking for answers to everything, online. Content is as important as ever nowadays. It’s also good for business if you show yourself when users are actively searching for answers.

Even small businesses with little to no budget could have a fair chance of thriving. Creatives could inspire the hearts of many with their creative minds. However, the question comes down to this — “Are you providing the value your audience wished for?”

Most of the articles on the internet teach you that providing value to your audience builds trust and relationships. Some of the articles even provide an in-depth, step-by-step guide so you can thrive as a content creator. But still, how do you know if the value you provide is something your audience wished for?

Redefining the word ‘value’

Value is highly relative. What you deemed to be valuable might not be valuable for your audience. Even with all the trend research and surveys, there’s no guarantee that all your content is providing value. What you…

