Here’s a Great Way to Reframe and Overcome Writer’s Block

The real reason why we don’t sit down and do the work

Jamie Jackson
Honest Creative


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

I’ve got writer’s block. Again. Here it comes, the big, lumbering… thing, over the horizon. What’s the coming over the hill, is it a monster, is it a monster?

No, it’s just our old familiar friend writer’s block.

Though it’s not really writer’s block, is it? It’s not a block at all, it’s all doubt, writer’s doubt. I have loads of ideas to write about, a whole drafts folder of ideas, over 100 or more titles, paragraphs and scraps of articles ready to be embellished and brought to life, but as I look through each of them I think “Oh no, I can’t write about that now” or “Perhaps this topic isn’t really me”, whatever that might mean.

See, it’s doubt, not a block.

Doubt stops me from writing. Doubt stops us all from writing one time or another. Sometimes you feel like Hemingway, sometimes you feel like no-way (sorry, that’s an appalling play of words, but don’t blame me, blame the writer’s doubt).

A confession: As I write this, I’m simultaneously writing another article. Seriously, I’m half-way through both of them, sometimes it’s the only way I can get my mind to focus, by tactical distraction. It’s a bit like listening to music whilst…



Jamie Jackson
Honest Creative

Between two skies and towards the night. // Email me: jamiejacksonati [at] gmail [dot] com