Hit “Publish” Before Perfection

Constant perfectionism will only hold you back

Kayla Marie
Honest Creative


I’m not one of them, but I’ve met plenty of people who are keen to withhold their creations from the world until they deem them “perfect.’’

I take two issues with this.

One, perfection is subjective.

Two, if your goal is to grow as a creator, you’re procrastinating potential success.

In the past few months, I’ve found two platforms I want to be successful on: Medium and YouTube.

Once the weekend rolls around, I kick into high-gear to create my weekly content. Regardless of whether or not it’s perfect, I will have one video and one article finished by Tuesday.

If you haven’t picked a platform to commit to, seeking perfection is a little easier because there’s less pressure to perform and less pressure to show-up. But if you know where and how you want to grow, it’s time to toss perfection out the window and re-analyze your priorities.

If you’ve picked the platforms you want to commit to, such as a blog, YouTube channel, or Medium page, here are a few important reasons to push your perfectionism to the sidelines.

You Can’t Consistently Grow



Kayla Marie
Honest Creative

I was the kid reading NatGeo in the waiting room • I write about content creation and expat life • Based in Taiwan • Find me on YouTube: shorturl.at/opHN4