The One Reason Joe Rogan Just Made $100 Million From a Single Podcast Deal With Spotify

And why some won’t even understand it

Jamie Jackson
Honest Creative


Getty Images / BBC News

This article isn’t about business acumen or balance sheets. It’s not about IPOs, stock options, or profit. It isn’t even about the art of the deal. It’s just about art.

More specifically, it is about authenticity in art.

Joe Rogan made a historic $100 million podcast deal this week because he created an authentic art form and he didn’t give a fuck what you or anyone else thought about it.

That’s it. That’s the entire reason why he is where he is today.

There will be a whole lot of thirsty business sharks looking at this deal wondering how they can get a piece of the pie, or what market forces meant such a deal could have been made in the first place.

There will be analysis about the growth in the podcast market, bespectacled men with bad haircuts will appear on news channels to talk about Spotify’s aggression in the audio arena; about how they bought up podcast company Gimlet Media and also the podcast platform Anchor, for $340 million last year.

There will be endless talk of shifting sands in audio production as technology continues to improve, whilst lumbering media giants will pour…



Jamie Jackson
Honest Creative

Between two skies and towards the night. // Email me: jamiejacksonati [at] gmail [dot] com