To Connect with Your Readers, Write with Sincerity (Not Self-Interest)

Only words written with the heart will be able to reach hearts.

Adam Erland
Honest Creative


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Why do writers write?

There are a plethora of reasons, and not all of them are noble. Some are quite selfish, in fact, such as to accumulate social validation or monetary rewards — which is fair as long as it’s done considerately.

It’s perfectly human to have self-centered desires. However, dear writers, you have to be careful with them lest they corrupt your writing.

When left unchecked, self-interest will impair your judgment.

This Isn’t Just About You

When you write for yourself, like in a diary or personal journal, you can be as crude, vulnerable, narcissistic, or egotistical as you want. But when you write for an audience, curbing your self-interest is non-negotiable.

Your reader is the main character, not you.

That doesn’t mean you can’t write about yourself. You certainly can, but it has to be more than just about you. Your writing has to also mean something to someone else — otherwise, why would they care?

True writers know this fact by heart, but they’re few and far between — as is the case for…



Adam Erland
Honest Creative

No longer writing on Medium. Read my essays for free on Substack: