What I’ve Learned Journaling Consistently For a Month

Key benefits of journaling and how to make the habit stick

Fatima Sultan
Honest Creative


The Art of Journaling [Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash]

I have had countless journals and diaries over the last decade of my life — my first one was written when I was 10 years old. I wanted to be like the fictional characters of the endless books that my nose was constantly buried in and keep a diary. However, before long, I gave up. In fact, I don’t remember finishing a notebook from cover to cover: instead, they end up being filled with miscellaneous to-do lists after the fifth entry.

Last month, I made the executive decision to incorporate journaling into my morning routine. Here are all the things I learned from journaling.

1. You’ll Get To Know Yourself Better

Emotional intelligence. The process of journaling is such that by pouring your emotions, anxieties, and other personal dilemmas, you can begin to track your moods and see how you interact with certain dilemmas. Ultimately, this means you have a deeper understanding of yourself. In fact, when I am journaling, it helps me heal and recover. A spirited argument with my highly-annoying teenage brother turns into ‘a guide to why I get frustrated quickly’. It allows me to understand why I react a certain way and thus allows me to take actionable steps to be…



Fatima Sultan
Honest Creative

Passionate about life and its many disappointments. This was supposed to be cool. Oops! Hear more from me: https://fatimasultan.substack.com.