Don’t show the ad. Show you care first.

Amina Zilic
Honest Marketing
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2020

For real now.

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

Just found an interesting website that had some materials about marketing and after exactly 10 seconds of scrolling they show me a pop up to subscribe. I kindly declined it. Well, because that was not enough to Gods of pop ups after one more scroll another pop-up came up inviting me again for the same thing.


Does anyone really signs up like that after 10 seconds. I mean I heard about love on the first sight but c’mon give me a minute to catch my breath before I get to know you.

People leave in the fear that there is to many distractions outside so they want to catch your attention as soon as possible like hunters do when when they wait for their pray behind the bushes to fall into the trap. What they don't realize is that what you fear actually you become that. They are scared of distractions, so they become one.


Face the fear. Here is the thing. You think that someone’s attention is very low but did you ever ask yourself why is it like that? People see so many crap, they hear the same song going on from to many sides so they shut out their senses until something different comes up.

Like for example if you show you care.

Don't show the trap. Show that you care for the person that clicked on a link that brought him to your website. He is there, he is curious. Now its your time to shine.

Check from which channel that user came — detect it and show relevant content for that person. For example I came to this website to see some interesting marketing examples. Show me that first, make me interested and than at the end of my journey invite me to some action- either subscribe or follow or whatever you need.

If you use a pop up after 10 seconds many of your quality visitors will disappear because you are becoming part of the noise.

Bring peace.

Show you care.

Shut down the noise.

