Essentials of content writing

Amina Zilic
Honest Marketing
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2020

Don’t live in the chaos. Cut right through it.

Many people think about creative chaos as a must if you want to be any kind of an artist. They see that in all of that chaos you need to walk on the edge of your mind silently and slowly to see a clear picture, the right word, the elegant move that will visualize your thought process and make it clear.


But there is a beauty in structure. The universe, that outreaches our mind with its magnificence, is build on structures. So, why avoid it?

While writing over the years, I believed in creatives chaos as a part of my environment and writing setting. And, it worked. I managed to write articles and cut through dense thoughts with a blade word that would release the pressure of chaotic thinking. It worked..

But it didn’t last. There was a lack of consistency.

For a while I thought that structure is the enemy of art. That everything that is creative must be born from a chaotic process but what I realized a few months back is that the creativity is inside you and if you put a bit of structure in your surrounding and in your process, the creativity flows easier and most importantly — consistently.

Write every day.

One word. One line. One thought.

Just write every day.

Put all your article ideas in one place. Map them. Create a flow between them. Structure your thinking before you start writing. How?

Here are some ways:

Get yourself a writing board

You have most probably heard about a visual board, right? So basically, the same concept works here as well. Don’t let all your writing ideas sit in your mind for multiple reasons: you will forget them, you will eventually over think them and most probably over time you will start disliking them which doesn’t go into your favor at all. Get yourself a simple board — a big piece of paper, stick it on your wall and write all ideas that come from your mind. Believe me that eventually you will see a much clearer picture and you will feel more motivated to write.


Write every day. A sentence, a paragraph…whatever. Just verbalize your thoughts. Use your phone, a piece of paper, laptop, a tissue for God’s sake… I believe you got the idea:)


If you are into content writing it will make your job a lot easier to create your own content skeleton. How? Go through your all works (if you just started writing check how other people’s works) and eventually you will recognize a pattern and a style will emerge— most probably you have an intro, main part, citations and an ending where you make a point. Create that skeleton first. The first thing I learned when I started learning html and CSS is that you first create a body skeleton and afterwards you put all other parts withing that skeleton. Make the same thing because it will make your job easier. Just put: intro, body, end and every day write something into those parts. Sometimes you are in the mood to write the end, sometimes in the body and sometimes the beginning. The mind works in mysterious ways.

Never look back

When you sit and open your laptop your thoughts will start to flow. Don’t try, at that moment, to find the right expression or the right sentence structure. This is not the time to check and overwrite your sentences. Just keep going, keep writing. When you finish, go rest drink a cup of coffee and open your piece — than you will know how to structure it even better.

Never stop reading

The biggest ideas and motivations pop up when you read. A lot. Just keep reading, keep feeding your mind. In this way, you will get many writing ideas and you will improve your writing.


If you want to make a point- don’t complicate it. The beauty lies in simplicity. No need to write a 5 page essay around one idea if you can express it in a 2 minute read. Simple words-sharp thoughts. Go for that.

