Marketing is not about being the best

Amina Zilic
Honest Marketing
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2020

People like to see you are real.

Photo by Katerina Pavlyuchkova on Unsplash

I am not sure about you but whenever I see that someone is promoting the most perfect photos, and only the amazing part of their services or products something is suspicious to me. The first thing I do is go to forums and check what other people say about them. I need a more real touch.

It is a fact that human beings, by nature, are not perfect creatures, than how a product or service they offer can be the best possible and without any flaws?

It is not.

Don’t forget to market your flaws also

Don’t market perfection. Market imperfection.

Throughout your marketing journey you will have the need, like we all do, to market only the best part of your business (with superficial words) just to attract customers. But, if you choose to keep it real, people will connect more with you because just like your business humans are also imperfect beings. It is hard to connect with perfect things. We think that they make us feel comfortable but actually they make us feel worse because deep down we know we are not perfect so it is hard for us to corelate with imperfect things.

Don’t market perfect things to imperfect creatures. In other words don’t market cat food to dog lovers. Disaster.

Let’s for an example. If you say we will do the best possible to answer all your inquiries, we work 24/7 but you actually reply to an customer inquiry 1 day later it means you don't stand by your words but if you say Hi guys it is just 2 of us working in the support line and we are here really to hear all you problems/inquiries so we can help you out. We will do our best to reply to you as soon as possible in couple of hours max a day so we can find the best solution for you. Have a nice day and thank you for supporting us.

Well this sounds more real. It is the same thing actually both business are doing but how you market your services is of big importance to your users.

Start with honesty

There is a big misunderstanding Worldwide on the market that people shouldn't see your imperfections. Well, I don't know when this wave of dishonesty started but it is not real. It is like one of those stories that are passed from one knee to another and at one point everyone starts to think that this is the right thing but nobody believes in it because there is no logic behind the whole thing.

Follow your instincts.

Keep it real.

Respect your users with honesty. After all, it is the best policy.

