Movie Review: High-Rise (2015)

Antonio Kowatsch
Honest Movie Reviews
2 min readNov 25, 2017

This might just be the most incoherent movie I’ve ever seen. Nothing makes any sense. Things just happen but there’s no real anticipation or causality behind it. At first I thought that maybe I just didn’t get it but when I re-watched the movie with some friends they seemed equally confused.

The entire movie can basically be summarized in 3 words: parties, fornication, and violence. All the characters do in this movie is throwing parties and sleeping around with one another. It should come to no surprise that things gradually escalate to the point of a total SNAFU.

The entire premise of the movie makes absolutely no sense once you realize that none of the raping and bloodshed would have taken place if someone just picked up a phone and called the police. But apparently none of the protagonists were intelligent enough to conceive this idea. And don’t forget that the tenants could’ve left at any time if they so desired. But apparently the possibility of getting raped and killed off is not reason enough to leave the building (sarcasm). Actually, now that I think about it I should probably give the movie a lower rating than I initially have. You know that a movie is bad if the trailer is better than the movie.

Final Verdict: Wouldn’t recommend


Ontology: #movie #review #drama #ballard #novel #adaptation #highsociety #parties #brutal #violence

