Movie Review: The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence) — (2015)

Antonio Kowatsch
Honest Movie Reviews
2 min readJan 11, 2018
the madman and his creation

I personally liked the flair of the first Human Centipede movie the most. The sequel was not really my cup of tea but this particular movie took me by surprise. It wasn’t really “scary” in the traditional sense that is classically associated with the Horror genre but it was really entertaining in its own special way. If you have a twisted sense of humor this movie is going to have you rolling on the floor laughing. It was literally one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen. I just couldn’t stop laughing: The whole movie was basically a succession of clever jokes that were occasionally interrupted by a couple of nasty and gross torture scenes.

Conclusion: this movie isn’t really part of the continuity that the first two movies shared but rather a movie that’s supposed to be a grand finale.

The first movie was pretty much a thriller and had you rooting for the people who fell victim to Dr. Heiter’s insane experiment. The sequel was just messed up and featured mental abuse as well as self- mutilation. All in one it was very disgusting on all levels possible. The third installment of the franchise however is in my opinion a well thought out comedic take on the prequels. Furthermore Tom Six (the director) had a cameo appearance which made for some good meta- jokes. Something that is rarely seen on screen these days. It suffices to say that I liked it very much. If you have a dark sense of humor, as do I, you’ll love it, too.

Final verdict: recommended (if you have a dark sense of humor and don’t care much for political correctness)


Ontology: #movie #review #horror #comedy #gross #TomSix #DieterLaser #HumanCentipede #finale #final #disgusting

