I’m a web engineer, I’m writing apps

Shiny Chang
2 min readDec 21, 2018

Link to https://shinychang.net/blog/im-a-web-engineer-i-m-writing-apps/

In the past 6 years, I’m a web engineer writing HTML/JS/CSS every day. Not only writing client side but also server side (PHP & Node.js). I’m familiar with jQuery, react.js, redux and webpack.

Writing an app is really hard for me to even if React-Native has been published for many years. I have no app any knowledge and cannot make beautiful UI on the App.

Until now, flutter 1.0 is published. flutter is an awesome framework for me. Which resolved my concern of how to create beautifully app simpler. I build my first app in my life which has the same behavior between iOS and Android in one day.

iPhone XR / Pixel 2

The transition animation is also smooth, I can’t believe I can finish it in one day. Kudo to flutter, which is easy to learn.

Very smooth interaction!!

Not only app but flutter also planning to support Web (hummingbird). I can imagine it will change the web ecosystem in the future.

I am grateful that honestbee has organized a hackathon, which gives me the opportunity to realize this dream. We are hiring for engineers, welcome to join the honestbee family.

