Consuming Earth

Ivan Lim
The Conscious People
3 min readJul 24, 2015


Can you imagine how bad the world would be like in 2025? 2050? 2100?

Would the Earth resemble the scene in Wall-E above?

Today, you and I, on average, would use four times the amount of clothes our parents did. If we were to continue consuming at this rate, 27 earths will be needed by 2050 to sustain us.

Consumerism needs no introduction as you have probably heard of it countless of times. In a way, we are all accountable to this problem. With the rise of materialism in this era of prosperity and connectivity, we should not point fingers at one another. But rather, at social media and pop culture who are the culprits, leaving us in this constant state of want.

The scariest thing about this fear of missing out is that we can afford our wants.

While expenditure is seen as good for a nation’s economy, the global consequence it brings, especially to third world countries, cannot be ignored.

So we ask you again, what would the world look like in 2050?

Through our research, we have found that much of consumerism’s impact has led to the suffering of youth. Many of our third world nations are putting children to work, labouring long hours in unimaginable working conditions, to put a smile on our faces.

We believe in the potential of children. Their beautiful ignorance should not be something man takes advantage of, but rather, something that we should hold on to.

Therefore, we have chosen to dedicate our business to these voiceless children.

To start, we will be raising awareness of these issues while learning as much as we can by getting involved. While we intend to do more, we understand our own limitations. So we will be working towards our goal of creating an education and entrepreneurship programme for our voiceless children.

We hope you will support us.

Our planet Earth is a bountiful home to us all. She provides for our nourishment and comfort. While we enjoy the abundance of resources that she provides, please be reminded to leave some for our children.

Also, don’t stay ignorant. Find out where your purchases come from. With each purchase, comes another’s sacrifice.

In the end, it is for the children.

Does consumerism exploit third world nations to produce goods at cheap rates, or are third world nations enjoying prosperity from the business it brings? Is child labour truly unethical or are companies providing them a means for survival through job creation?

The issues with consumerism isn’t so straightforward. These are tough questions that we will be hoping to answer in our subsequent posts. Do share your experience on these issues if you have any. Also, if you are someone working on the same goals as us in Asia, we would love to hear from you and possibly work together.

To find out more on what we are doing, follow us on our Facebook Page. We will be exploring the different perspectives on consumerism and the impact it has done on various countries.

We are all suckers for doing good.



Ivan Lim
The Conscious People

Firefighter, Astronaut, Doctor, Teacher, Policeman? Nah, just a Dreamer.