12 New Year's Resolutions That Aren’t About Weight Loss or Diet Culture

Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours
Published in
11 min readJan 3, 2021


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

It’s that time of year when millions of Americans make resolutions to lose weight, go on a diet, and ultimately “fix their lives.”

But I’m not here for that. I’m done with the notion that intentional weight loss is going to fix my life or bring the joy I cave. Maybe you’re done with it too?

Here are some of the healthy habits I’m working on in 2021. In fact, these are resolutions that virtually anyone can do.

Stay (or get) hydrated.

I wasn’t exactly surprised when I began using Vivoo test strips earlier this year and discovered that I was chronically dehydrated. I’d sensed for quite a while that I wasn’t taking in enough water. On some days, all I’d drink was a cup of tea and a few Coke Zeros. Most days, drinking more felt like a chore.

So, when I began testing my urine once a week, I wasn’t shocked when the app told me I was dehydrated. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being optimal hydration, I was getting a 2.

Oof. But again, no surprise.

What actually surprised me was just how tough it’s been to remedy. Over time, I’ve learned that it’s entirely possible to sort of “lose” your sense of thirst and become less sensitive to your body’s signals. If I don’t set…



Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 https://ko-fi.com/shannonashley 📧 truthurts.substack.com