This Church Wants Me to Shut Up About Gracie Solomon or They'll Sue?

Just a day in the life of this writing mom.

Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours


Me, today

The life of a single mom writer can be sort of uneventful. At least for someone like me. I’m awkward. A little bit of a loner. For the most part, I’m far too focused on supporting myself and my child by building my writing career to have much of a life.

Every once in a while though, life just sort of happens and blows up all over the place.

Well, folks?

Yesterday was one of those days.

I woke up, did a little bit of writing, and noticed that one particular pastor I mentioned in a recent story is currently teaching daily morning devotions on “Exposing the Enemy: Securing Your Victory.”

Now, a couple of things about that video. First, the pastor gave a very warm welcome to his “buddy” Aaron Solomon — a man whose daughter has publicly accused him of horrific abuse. Then the pastor goes on to teach about something called “imprecatory prayer.”

Wikipedia describes imprecatory Psalms (from which these prayers are derived) as “those that imprecate - invoke judgment, calamity or curses upon one’s enemies or those perceived as the enemies of God.”



Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 📧