Actual Conversations With My Six Year Old In Quarantine

Happy Mother’s Day, folks.

Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours


Author's daughter, at the desk specifically purchased for Zoom school

The last Lucky Charms cereal bar

Me: Hey, do you want this last cereal bar? I’m trying to clear out the pantry of random stuff. It’s a one-off, so, this is the last one from… months ago.

6 year old: Oh. YES.

(Twenty minutes later…)

6 year old: Can I have another one of those Lucky Charms bars?

Me: Um, that was the last one, remember?

6 year old: (Eyes tearing up) But if I knew that I would have eaten it so much slower!

Also me:

Author's screenshot

By the way, the new bars were expired. Luckily, Target made it right and I have since made a breakfast nook on top of our mini beverage fridge. Now my daughter can easily grab a breakfast bar, drink, and string cheese when I’m busy working. It’s been life changing.

The mini tantrum

6 year old: Mom, can I do ______? [Can be literally anything to which I say “not right now.”]



Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 📧