How Many Girls with Autism Get Left Behind?

ASD research has focused on men and boys for far too long.

Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours


On the whole spectrum of autism, I am considered “high functioning.” You might say that I have Asperger’s, though the term is now falling out of fashion.

At any rate, I am a woman with autism, but I didn’t discover this fact until after I became a mother, and my daughter was already two years old.

At my diagnosis, I was 33 years old. Today, I am nearly 37.

It was, of course, a lightbulb moment for me. The diagnosis helped me better understand myself and feel that much less absurd. But that’s about all it did for me: assure me that I wasn’t so crazy afterall.

Discovering you’ve had autism your entire life can also feel like shit, because it’s one more diagnosis you carry which means you will likely always struggle to interact with others.

Plus, it points to an entire lifetime of missed opportunities. Such a late diagnosis of autism is more than some aha moment. It is a severe failure of our educational system, as well as the autism movement at large.

You’re not given any sort of apology. There’s no, “I’m sorry you never got the help you needed as a child and young adult to better function in this world. Let’s get you back



Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 📧