Joss Whedon Was Never a Genius — Just a Stealth Misogynist

Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours
Published in
9 min readMar 3, 2022


Joss Whedon on Twitter

Have you ever been with a chronic cheater? More specifically, are you a woman who’s ever dated a man who chronically cheats?

If so, you might grasp much of the eye-widening subtext in Joss Whedon’s Vulture interview. The one where he finally addressed the abuse allegations against him from a myriad of sources.

For many people, the entire train wreck interview was a jaw-dropping display of self-indulgence from a man who clearly can’t read the room after he’s been discredited by so many sources. But for others, it was a more obvious — and therefore unsurprising — extension of one very particular type of man who frequently thrives in our society.

Joss Whedon is essentially a poster child for the manbabies who chronically cheat and habitually chase women in an effort to “manage” their personal issues.

(Quick note — chronic cheaters exist across genders. It’s not just men who cheat, by any means. But for the purpose of this story, we are focused on a certain type of man, because he’s become so prevalent.)

I’m writing about Joss Whedon. But I’m also writing about my ex. I’m writing about that slightly self-deprecating male blogger who’s serially hit on one female writer after another — as if we don’t also talk to each other.



Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 📧