My Mother Thinks Bill Gates Is Trying to Kill Us All

And now she wants me to “respect her beliefs.”

Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours


Photographer: Michelle Andonian | From the Henry Ford Museum “Collecting Innovation Today” interview with Bill Gates by OnInnovation | Used with permission

Poor Bill Gates. I mean, obviously not poor Bill Gates, but have you ever looked at his Twitter account? Recently, he announced some of his thoughts about coronavirus along with his efforts to create a vaccine.

The responses are mostly… livid. Comment after comment of Twitter users accusing Gates of being this very evil, super bad dude. We’re talking an epic villain of comic book proportions. Most of the comments are referencing a particularly widespread conspiracy theory about Bill (and Melinda) Gates. One that claims they aspire to commit genocide.

So, um, yeah. Poor Bill Gates.

And the comments?

The whispers (or shouts) of Bill Gates conspiracy theories go on and on. Honestly, I can’t even imagine what it would be like to wake up to constant…



Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 📧