Our Love For Keanu Reeves Highlights Double-Standards For Men and Women

Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours
Published in
9 min readJul 20, 2020



Keanu Reeves has been described by the media as one of the most introverted people in Hollywood, but in recent years his status has been updated to “America’s boyfriend.” For many people, it’s not very hard to see why.

He’s the sort of actor who’s really grown into himself throughout the years, and he carries a sort of cool and calm charisma that so many of us are drawn to or would like to emulate ourselves.

Some of our love for the actor comes from the roles he plays. If he’s not out saving the world, he’s often got the weight of it on his shoulders. And in real life, it seems like he’s dealt with so much too. At just three years old, his father abandoned him and his mother. As he grew up, his mother married and divorced three more men. Reeves famously lost his only child on Christmas Eve in 1999 when his girlfriend Jennifer Syme delivered a stillborn baby. The couple quickly broke up after the loss of their daughter and then Jennifer died little more than a year later.

His sister went through a decade-long battle with leukemia, which led Keanu to create his own cancer foundation. There have been claims of him cheerfully giving away millions of dollars, sitting down to chat with the homeless, and nonchalantly giving up his subway seat.



Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours

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