Quit Trying to Guilt Me Into Supporting Joe Biden

There’s a massive schism within the democratic party that can’t be willed away.

Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours


I’ve been witnessing a mounting wave of pressure for Democrats to “vote blue no matter who” in an effort to beat Trump. While some people truly seem to believe that Biden is the leader we all need, others claim that “they’ll hold their nose and vote for Biden” because it’s supposedly the right thing to do.

Folks, that is not a winning election strategy. It’s abuse. And those who insist that we’ve got to unite behind Joe regardless of our concerns about him have resorted to gaslighting.

Some of the most obvious and widespread manipulation is coming from former supporters of #BelieveWomen and #MeToo. Rather than responding to the real concerns that many people have about Joe Biden and his history of inappropriately touching women (and girls), some people have chosen to attack Bernie Sanders’ followers, by claiming they are toxic. And somehow, they’re the problem.

Not “handsy” Joe Biden.

The hypocrisy here is deafening, and the logic is absurd. If you don’t support Joe Biden, then you will surely be called a Bernie bot by a political blue blood on social media. And all of your very legitimate concerns about Uncle Joe will be waved…



Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 https://ko-fi.com/shannonashley 📧 truthurts.substack.com