Remember The Lorax? Conservatives Wanted to Cancel Dr. Seuss Over It

So, why are they suddenly buying up his books?

Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours


Image from Wikimedia Commons

Oh, my friends, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Cancel culture isn’t anything new. The only “new” thing about it is the way we increasingly use it today.

Historically, cancel culture has been the premier method for angry, typically Christian conservatives to push back on anything they believe threatens their worldview.

For those of us who were raised as evangelicals, we’ve got a pretty good sense of everything that could get you canceled in that circle over the past few decades. Things like:

  • Being gay or supporting gay rights.
  • Having a baby “out of wedlock.”
  • “Disobeying” your husband.
  • Failing to adequately uphold biblical gender roles.
  • Expressing too much concern for the environment.
  • Advocating for social justice.
  • Supporting abortion rights.
  • Being a working mom or stay-at-home dad.
  • Taking part in any sort of “risqué” photography, art, or film.
  • Using profanity.
  • Watching or reading Harry Potter because “witchcraft…



Shannon Ashley
Honestly Yours

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 📧